Eish! I hate toilet trips, but today’s one was not too bad. In fact I think it’s the best I’ve had in a long while. Either way I'm relieved to be walking back into my classroom - standard 10B, which is stacked with forty something students whose noise is so palpable they could fit in nicely at Marabastad taxi rank. I scan the room quickly and find my girls sitting around Tumi and Nkele's desk. As I squeeze myself into the already tight space I'm unable to contain the grin that fills my face. I get the looks from all four girls and I'm like...
"Okay-okay!" Then I pull a small piece of paper with Thabo's phone number, okay not his-his but a public phone number near his house. CALL ME AT 3 801-7886 "Does this mean you don't hate going to the toilet as much?" Lerato teases me and everyone laughs. Suddenly someone starts whistling a tune and this one guy-Jerry-who thinks he smells nice gets up and does dance moves that show off all the brands that he's wearing. I don't know anything about his family but I hope that his Carvela shoes, Dickies pants and Lacoste T. Shirt didn't cost his parents their whole month's pay cheque. Anyway he's a dick and I can't believe how every girl gawks at him, I don't know what they see in him. That's their problem if they choose to walk around with their eyes closed. "Did you get the CD?" I ask Nkele in an attempt to divert my girls' attention from 'mr I smell nice'. Nkele rummages in her school bag and retrieves Mariah Carey's latest album 'Daydream', she immediately pages to track number five and with our confident loud voices we belt the chorus out and ‘Always Be My Baby’ will remain ours forever. The noise subsides and thinking everyone is enjoying our 'beautiful' voices we take it up a notch only to realise Ma'am Mokoena is standing by the door looking all pretty as usual and not saying a word until everyone has taken their time to give her the full attention that she quietly demands. |
So we shut it and watch her stride her stuff across the front of the class only this time another beautiful person, wearing a private school uniform tails her - equally striding her stuff.
With her delicate voice that once again in her list of demands - begs for our full concentration, "Don't you people have books to read or something? What period is this anyway?" she asks. "Afrikaans ma'am" pipes 'mr I smell nice', hmm as if. "Right, this here is Anna Sekoto" The good-looking girl interrupts Ma'am Mokoena and whispers something into her ear. Oh Ma'am Mokoena is not happy. She gives her the look of contempt then… "Would you like to introduce yourself?" With words coming out of her nose, "Hi everyone! I'm N, as in the letter 'N' and if you must use my surname I prefer Scott, I just think it sounds way better than Sekoto. Anyway..." "What's with this one?" "Mongwanthi wa Petoria" Dimi chimes with a chuckle under her breathe. "Seriously Dimi?" My giggle gets the better of me and… "I see we have a volunteer" Ma'am Mokoena directs N my way and announces that I will be responsible to help the new student settle in. I'm not happy about this but I slide closer to Dimi to make room for her and she clumsily sandwiches me as our bums negotiate space on the desk. "Beware the ides of March" I give Dimi the look that says 'stop talking'. <<<>>> |